
Only words with 2 or more characters are accepted
Max 200 chars total
Space is used to split words, "" can be used to search for a whole string (not indexed search then)
AND, OR and NOT are prefix words, overruling the default operator
+/|/- equals AND, OR and NOT as operators.
All search words are converted to lowercase.


Vocational training fair "mach mit" – "Get involved"

This year was the eighth year that the vocational training fair "mach mit" – "Get involved" was held in the Four Seasons Park in Oelde. Sixty-six companies attended, offering students from years 8 and 9 from schools in Oelde and Ennigerloh information about vocational training opportunities in industry, trade, commerce and service providers, as well as about the possibility of doing an apprenticeship while also attending higher education courses. Venti Oelde's own apprentices and training supervisors provided interested students and parents with information about the trades of "industrial clerk", "systems mechanic" and "technical product designer".

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