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[Translate to English:] kopf-produkte

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Wear protection on vulnerable surfaces by armouring the impeller blades and wear strips on both sides of the impeller backplate
Wear protection on vulnerable surfaces by armouring the impeller blades and wear strips on both sides of the impeller backplate
[Translate to English:] Kombination verschiedener Verschleißschutzmaterialien
[Translate to English:] Verschleißgeschütztes Laufrad
[Translate to English:] Verschleißgeschütztes Laufrad
Wear protection on vulnerable surfaces by armouring the impeller blades and wear strips on both sides of the impeller backplate

Wear-proof fans

Hard-wearing under extreme conditions

Fans are often subject to the harshest wear. Abrasive media that is carried in the air flow (e.g. clinker dust, quartz and also corundum, wood and plastic shavings) attack the material.

Wear can render high-quality machine parts inoperative in the shortest time. The resulting costs are considerable. Investing in preventive measures is cost effective.

Venti Oelde uses various measures to prevent abrasion to impellers and inner casing walls through friction and impact. Such protective measures are decided on as early as during the design of our fans. Suitable materials, high-precision machining and optimal blade geometry effectively increase service life.

Enquiry industrial centrifugal fans

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