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Product range
High-pressure fans in a test set-up
High-pressure fans in a test set-up
High-pressure fan HV-M with direct motor drive
High-pressure fan HV-K with indirect motor drive through shaft and coupling
High-pressure fan HV-ZM, two-stage, with direct motor drive
High-pressure, two-stage, belt-driven fan HV-ZR
Sealing air fans
Test run of a two-stage high-pressure fan HV-ZM in the testing facility
Centrifugal fan with sound and heat insulation
High-pressure fans in a test set-up

High-pressure fans

High pressure presents no problem

Venti high-pressure fans combine intelligent technology with outstanding quality. Venti high-pressure fans can be used in almost limitless ways, but especially as pressure-increase fans in industrial processing and chemical engineering, for the fluidisation of powders, dusts and granulates in the cement, paint and plastics industry, as forced-draft fans for firing plants, as combustion air fans in industrial furnaces, glass-melting pans and smelting plants. Our high-pressure fans work over pressure ranges from 30 to 250 mbar.

They are the first choice where safe operation and high availability are required alongside optimum efficiency and low energy consumption.

Venti high-pressure fans are compact and strongly built. Flat performance curves permit wide variations in the flow volume at a constant pressure increase.

Venti manufactures high-pressure fans in a strong, welded construction. The fan scroll of the single inlet centrifugal fan is arranged in front of the motor pedestal so that it can be rotated, which means the fan casing can be positioned in 45° steps.

Light impellers make for easy starting up, which is why we manufacture them not only in welded steel but also in welded aluminium and cast silumin, an alloy of aluminium and silicon.

Venti balances the impeller electrodynamically in two planes, and arranges it in an overhung position directly on the motor shaft end or the end of the drive shaft. The perfect balancing of impeller and casing keeps noise levels low. By loosening the mounting plate, the impelle

More detailed information about high-pressure fans

Anfrage Industrie-Radialventilatore

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