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[Translate to English:] kopf-produkte

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Product range
High-performance cyclone behind a shredder system
High-performance cyclone behind a shredder system
Cyclone-separator for aluminium swarf
Disposal of waste paper from cutters
High-performance cyclone behind a shredder system

Cyclone separators

Cyclone separators

Today, we predominantly use cyclone separators when dealing with large amounts of material, as a primary separator for exhaust and filter systems, or even to separate sparks or droplets. They work without additional cleaning technology using centrifugal separation. They function reliably, are low maintenance and are insensitive to irregular material flow. They are well known for their robust operation.

To achieve optimum separation efficiency, various models allow an adjustment to each set of operational circumstances (flow volume and level of material).

For customer-specific solutions, Venti Oelde offers solidly built cyclone separators made of a variety of materials. On request they will be designed to be pressure-shock-resistant or can be supplied with wear protection.

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