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Venti Oelde receives a large order for special fans

Venti Oelde has received an order from the German plant manufacturer ThyssenKrupp Uhde amounting to almost 7 million euro, for the supply of fans for fertilizer production plants in the USA. In the plants 3,500 t fertilizer are produced daily.

The scope of supply comprises special fans made from high-grade steel specifically for low temperature applications. Some of the fans are as large as a family house. They convey flow volumes up to 800,000 m³/h and are driven by motors with an output of up to 3,200 kW. In the engineering phase, seismological loads and wind speeds of up to 190 km/h had to be taken into consideration.

Venti Oelde commissioned a new performance testing facility for such large fans some time ago. The photo shows assembly of a double-inlet fan in preparation for the performance test. Joachim Schürmann, fan specialist for the chemical industry, watches the assembly technicians, Lucas Häusler and Andreas Wallmeyer (on the right), carrying out the work.


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