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Modular wear protection for fan impellers – highly efficient and cost-effective

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Abrasive media are abrading the impellers of your centrifugal fans – with every rotation they make. Day by day, week by week. It’s crucial, therefore, that the impellers are equipped with proper wear protection. But these protective parts are also subject to punishing levels of exposure and need to be regularly checked and maintained.

To make changing such wear protection parts as simple and economical as possible, Venti Oelde is now supplementing its existing protection solutions with modular elements for areas that are particularly susceptible to wear. This makes it possible to replace wear protection materials on a targeted basis – only replacing those modules where it is required based on the degree of wear. This saves costs as well as space for the storage of spare parts modules.

Venti Oelde offers modular wear protection elements for:

    (1) Wrap-around edge protection liners for blade inlet edges
    (2) Wear plates on blade inlet edge
    (3) Wear plates for impeller shroud protection
    (4) Wear plates for the blades
    (5) Wear strips for the impeller centreplate

Further information is available at:

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