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Seal of approval "Systematic Safety" awarded once again to Venti Oelde

[Translate to English:] Übergabe des Gütesiegels durch Bernhard Eilers (BGHM). Von links: Ralf Dörner (Geschäftsführer), Bernhard Eilers (BGHM), Thomas Lange (Sicher­heits­fachkraft), Burkhard Heimann-Ruhmann (Qua­li­tätsmanagement-Be­auf­trag­ter).

Venti Oelde’s occupational health and safety management system has again been assessed by the German Social Accident Insurance Institution for the Woodworking and Metalworking Industries (BGHM). Venti Oelde complies with the requirements of a systematic and effective occupational health and safety system and has again received from the German Social Accident Insurance Institution for the Woodworking and Metalworking Industries the seal of approval “Systematic Safety”, including certification in accordance with OHSAS 18001:2007 guidelines. Assessment was carried out on the basis of the "DGUV procedural principle for the assessment of occupational health and safety management systems".

>>> Download Certificate OHSAS 18001:2007

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