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Venti Oelde continues to grow

Venti Oelde ended the business year 2013 on a high. The total turnover of almost 60 million Euros represented an increase of around 10 % on the previous year. With an export rate of 83 %, the order volume at the end of the year amounted to 42 million Euros. The high quality standard is a persuasive argument for customers around the world to make a decision in favour of Venti products.

Venti Oelde is currently working on a large order of over 6 million Euros, received from one of the largest South Korean plant builders, to supply fans for an ammonia plant in Northwest Saudi Arabia.

Despite the large number of international competitors interested in this contract, Venti Oelde was successful in convincing the clients of the service capability, excellent quality and the long-term availability of fans "Made in Oelde".

The scope of supply includes special fans as well as comprehensive accessories, such as steam turbines to drive the fans.

Each of the ordered fans supplies a flow volume of almost 1 million cubic meters an hour and requires a driving power of up to 3,300 kW. They weigh 45 tonnes and are up to 8 meters high.

The plant is planned to go into service in 2016 and will annually produce about 1.1 million tonnes of ammonia. Ammonia serves as a raw material in the manufacture of chemical fertilizers and is won from natural gas.

Venti produces the core components exclusively in its main plant in Oelde, founded in 1930.


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